VBA Code To Create A New Excel File By Deleting The Existing File

Sub CreateFile ( )

If fso.FileExists(wbAddr + “Output.xls”) Then
        Set wkOut = Workbooks.Open(wbAddr + “Output.xls”)
        Set wkOut = Workbooks(“Output.xls”)
        fso.DeleteFile wbAddr + “Output.xls”
End If
Set wkOut = Workbooks.Add
wkOut.SaveAs filename:=wbAddr + “Output.xls”
Set wkOut = Workbooks.Open(wbAddr + “Output.xls”)
Set wkOut = Workbooks(“Output.xls”)

 End Sub

What The Code Does?

Each time you execute the program the file,  ” Output.xls” is created if it do not exist otherwise it’s deleted and then created.  In the If part to delete the file I have closed it because any open workbook cannot be deleted. Also before closing I have opened it because a wokbook is closed only when it is open. If the workbook is already open no error will occur if you again open it.   Set wkOut = Workbooks.Open(wbAddr + “Output.xls”)  is done only to make sure the workbook is open before closing it.