Secrets Behind Healthy LifeStyle

Hello Friends,

There’s a common proverb –

If  wealth is lost nothing is lost, but
If  HEALTH is lost everything is lost.

But there are 90% people in this world who are suffering from different health disorders. Just turn around and see,  9 out of every 10 persons are contracted with minor ailments like obesity, hair falling, dandruff, pimples, greying of hair at an early age, allergic to pollution, or to water. Another major part of population is affected by fatal diseases. And the credit for this goes to the food we eat. See yourself,  are you fit?obesity

There can be many common reasons to all these problems, like

  • Eating fast food or processed food such as burgers(barbadi ka ghar), Pizaa ( Jo sehat ko pee jaye).
  • Drinking  soft drinks such as coke, pepsi etcs. These are considered as best toilet cleaners by Swami Ramdev.
  • Not taking enough sleep. Inadequate sleep can result in higher stress levels.
  • Smoking or drinking.
  • Not doing any physical exercise.

Through this post I want to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to change your lifestyle today to live healthier and longer.

No doubt our average life span have increased but its filled with different kind of health disorders. The question is,

Do you want a quality life and to reach old age free of disability and disease?
Do you want to  live a healthy life?
Do you want to be happy and enjoy the life to the fullest?

If the answers to all these question is yes, then you have come to the right place. This post is provides you the guidelines to  living healthier lifestyle.

healthy lifestyle

Guidlines to lead a healthy life:

Here are some of the tips which I have heard from Swami Ramdev while watching his pranayam on TV :

  1. Its the habit of today’s generation to sleep late at night and get up late in the morning.your sleeping time should be from 10pm-11pm. 6 hours of sleep is enough. So you can get up in the morning by 4am -5 am. If due to your work schedule you have to sleep late then keep on drinking water at night.drink lots of water
  2. Early in the morning when you get up drink 2 glass of warm water in the morning. Those having  acidity should drink  plain water. Don’t drink more than 2 glass as it causes gastic. The water that you drink in the morning to clean your stomach should be drunk fast.
  3. Avoid Junk FoodAvoid eating burgers, pizzas, ice-creams, pastries, soft drinks, buiscuits, chips, kurkure and other junk food. Junk food is very tasty but the bonus which comes along with it ( fat on the stomach ) is too difficult to get rid of.
  4. Increase your intake of fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. It will bring  glow on your face. They helps to reduce weight faster.Glowing face
  5. The most effective thing is to do pranayam tought by Swami Ramdev on TV. Please practice the following pranayam with a yoga tteacher or you may watch in TV before doing these pranayams. Wrong practice may lead to side affect. In Aastha Channel they show from 5-7.30.
  • Bhastrika Pranayam – Relievs you from depression, stress, anxiety. Respiratory diseases are cured. Lungs becomes strong. Cures migrain.
  • Kapalbhati Pranayam – Very effective for weight loss. Cures any type of stomach problem.
  • Baharya Pranayam – Good for hernia and stomach related problems.
  • Ujjahi Pranaya – This is the only cure of thyroid. Do it 7 – 11 times.
  • Anulom Vilom Pranayam – Cures asthama,  arithritis, sinus, allergy problems, paralysis. I have heard in shivir from people that continous pracitice leads to increase the eye sight. Even the spectacles can be done away with. Ear problems can be cured.
  • Bhramri Pranayam-
  • Udgeeth Pranayam –