Author: Preeti

Natural Way To cure Headache

Hi Friends, I have got some very nice tips to cure your headache. I am a sincere follower of  Swami Ramdev. Today I was going through his Yog Sandesh magazine where I found some natural way to cure headache. Wake up early…

VBA Code To Find Days In A Month

Sub findDays()     Dim m As Integer, y As Integer     Dim DaysInMonth As Integer     m = Month(January)     y = Year(2009)     DaysInMonth = DateSerial(y, m + 1, 1) – DateSerial(y, m, 1)     MsgBox “Days In Month…

Writing macros in Microsoft Excel using VBA

Hi All, A month back I was assigned a work in my office. The work required writing macros in Microsoft Excel using VBA. While doing that work i got to know many VBA codes, some of which i’ll be sharing with you.

Hello Friends

Hello Friends, This is my first post. In my blogs you can get information on skincare, healthcare and other important tips to lead a healthy life. You can also get to know the benefits of yoga and pranayam. There will be lot many technical information…